Beschreibung / Hintergrund:
(oben) Einer der V-2-Starts in White Sands - die V-2 gilt als Vorläufer der bemannten Saturn-Mondrakete.
(unten) Bild, aufgenommen von einer V-2, das detailliert die Landschaft direkt nördlich des Startplatzes in Ne Sands (New Mexico) zeigt.
At first, by 1946, some V-2 rockets, acquired from Germany after World War II, were launched by the U.S. Army from White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, to high altitudes (70 to 100 miles). The first V-2 launch in the U.S. took place in April 17 of 1946. Launch 13 in the V-2 series, on October 24, 1946, contained a motion picture camera in its nose cone, which acquired a series of views of the Earth's surface as it proceeded to a 134 km (83 miles) altitude. V-2 pictures are included in an October 1950 article "Seeing the Earth from Space" in the National Geographic. |